Advanced French Horn Services
Screw Bell / Detachable Bell Conversion
This can be done to any horn. After conversion Horn will fit in flat cases or cut bell gig bags.
Lacquered Instruments...............................................................................$650.00
Un-lacquered Instruments..........................................................................$550.00
Cast Metal Stop Plate Replacements
Horns with stamped sheet metal stop plates and plastic stop plates can have them replaced with heavy duty cast stop plates..........................$ 30.00 each
Rebuild Rotary Valves
Valve is centered and bearing adjusted. The valve is built up with a copper plate and hand fit or lapped into the casing to ensure a proper fit. It is then plated with nickel. The valve is aligned, the bumpers replaced if necessary and restrung......................................................................................................$ 275 per valve
8D 4th Valve Lever Linkage conversion
Conversion of mechanical linkage of the 4th valve to string linkage...$ 275.00